Architects: Wolveridge Architects
- Year: 2003
Text description provided by the architects. The project cuts a slice along a steep contour and fits carefully between an open exposed street, a green strip and an existing tennis court. When dealing with the sloping land form, this building acts as a retaining wall in itself. With a heavy concrete panel wall addressing the street, the entry to the building is marked by a dark stained plywood box punctures the wall.
In the context of its bushland setting, the concrete picks out the silver of the ti-tree and shimmers when rain soaked in a similar manner. The building rests as an object in its landscape.
No openings are visible from the street. This is the south side of the building, it is cold and uninviting, not unlike the prevailing conditions which beat heavily upon it. The house purposefully turns its back on the public outside area to provide privacy for the residents. Beyond the entry is a light filled north facing and somewhat deceptively spacious building.
The building program comprises a master bedroom, living areas and connecting decks at the upper level. There is also parkings spaces for two cars and a golf cart. The house is ideal for a retired couple, or those who like to send the kids downstairs. As the land falls away, more bedrooms and a large rumpus at the lower level have a greater connection with the site, with its intimate views, an open lawn area and the tennis court.
The building is clad in materials typical to coastal environments – stained rough-sawn cedar cladding, naturally finished concrete panels and sections of compressed sheet as a feature. The dwelling is 4 Star energy rated, with insulated concrete panels, double glazing, water tanks and upgraded insulation.